Data analytics and brand consulting company, Kantar, has developed a new a new tool that can “predict” how consumers will react to commercials, that they call Link AI. It’s already been used by companies such as Google and Coke to perfect various campaigns, but can we really trust this AI to make accurate decisions for us based off of the 230,000 advertisements it’s built off of (that range back since the early 90’s)? Our society today has gone through so many complex changes in the last year alone, some of the biggest companies in the world, without the help of AI, have created Ad campaigns that have failed (looking at you Pepsi and Kendall Jenner).
How will Link AI handle the intricacies of society today without actually being tested in front of live audiences. Copy testing is a hugely important aspect of any campaign, so the thought of throwing an ad into the world purely based off of artificial acceptance is worrisome to me. Does anybody have faith in this AI’s ability to accurately rate ad performance? I think one day we could get to the point where we can solely rely on AI’s predictions, but I’m just not so sure we’re there yet.