Measuring Success and the “Invisible Climb”

As Sales Leaders, we depend heavily on traditional KPI’s.

  •     Revenue
  •     Win rate
  •     Average deal size
  •     New Clients
  •     What is in the pipeline

All of those KPIs are very straight forward and easy to manage. For more tenures successful Sales Professionals those KPIs will line up and provide direction for progress.
If you have a new Sales Professional join the team those KPI’s will likely not tell the story of progress they are making. I have developed some “Invisible Climb” KPI’s that measure progress and offer some guidance for the new Sale Professional.

  •     Meaningful conversations
  •     Agree to a follow-up conversation
  •     Agree to a test
  •     Oh and revenue

Early on in portfolio development results will likely be more qualitative than quantitative.
How do you measure success and encourage a new Sales Professional through the “Invisible Climb?”