I’ve recently wondered if good written communication is a lost art. What do you think?
I’ve noticed that some people (including myself) rely on auto-correct which may or may not be accurate. I’ve also noticed there are a lot more errors in today’s writing than ever before (including my own writing). I sometimes have to guess what people are trying to tell me because of misspelled words or incorrect words in sentences. Have you experienced this too?
I found the 2 articles below from Proof Strategies which talk about good written communication. The second one is specifically for marketing communication. I would think this is especially important because you wouldn’t want to lose your audience with misspellings and sentences that don’t make sense.
Do you have trouble with communication in your position too?
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I have noticed this and am definitely guilty of it myself. I think some of that could be due to the prevalence of texting, twitter and other forms of social media where proper grammar isn’t used all that often or necessarily needed. What do you think?
I agree! We all could improve on this. I think another thing that plays into it in the workplace is quick chat options that mirror texting such as Skype for Business and Slack. Although I think there’s many many benefits of these chat systems and I think they’re important to have for quick questions and communication with your team, they definitely are a more casual communication. I find that I rarely re-read my messages as closely as I would with an email.
Email communication is VERY important to my position! I have found that even with autocorrect and other tools, I still have to reread each communication a few times to proof the copy. Generally I am disappointed if I only rely on autocorrect to catch my mistakes, and even have a peer review important documents.