Depends on who you ask. My answer is both “yes and no”.
I believe cold calling is still a very effective way to connect with a prospect. However, cold calling today is very different than making cold calls in the past. I was taught early on in my career build a call sheet and hit it hard every day and continue to call until they answer. I was also taught to never leave a message.
While that was effective back in the day that approach is not applicable today. A couple of things make that approach annoying.
Caller ID (they know the number before they know you)
A large percentage of the business world is connected to their mobile device making repetitive calls is very annoying
I feel the most effective approach to cold calling today is exactly the opposite of what I was taught in the past.
On the first attempt leave a voicemail. Your voicemail should accomplish 3 things.
Be 30 seconds or less
They know your name and the company you work for
The reason for your call
What are your thoughts on cold calling?