Cold calling? Yes or no?

Depends on who you ask. My answer is both “yes and no”.
I believe cold calling is still a very effective way to connect with a prospect. However, cold calling today is very different than making cold calls in the past. I was taught early on in my career build a call sheet and hit it hard every day and continue to call until they answer. I was also taught to never leave a message.
While that was effective back in the day that approach is not applicable today. A couple of things make that approach annoying.

  •     Caller ID (they know the number before they know you)
  •     A large percentage of the business world is connected to their mobile device making repetitive calls is very annoying

I feel the most effective approach to cold calling today is exactly the opposite of what I was taught in the past.
On the first attempt leave a voicemail. Your voicemail should accomplish 3 things.

  •     Be 30 seconds or less
  •     They know your name and the company you work for
  •     The reason for your call

What are your thoughts on cold calling?

Having worked previously in a few careers that stressed the “hit the call sheet” mentality with X number of calls every single day, I know I have developed an aversion to cold calls. However, I think it’s important to note the difference between cold calls in B2C type sales and B2B type sales. Those previous positions for me were B2C, so every dial was unexpected. The reach rate was low, and the angry responses and hang ups can be draining. In B2B I have had a different experience. Cold calls and even emails are generally well received even if it is a “no,” and the angry responses are more rare than in the insurance and financial services setting.

Today, if I feel compelled to make a call I will do so after an email or LinkedIn message. At that point, the person likely will recognize my name even if they haven’t seen the email.